Main Street
A River Theme for a River Town
“Small Town, Real Life” is the motto of this historic river town nestled along the Snoqualmie River. The City of Duvall initially planned to only upgrade the utilities along Main Street. After discussing the project with KPG, the City recognized that in addition to the utility work, they were going to move forward with enhancing the entire corridor.

KPG facilitated the planning of the Main Street concept plan with the Citizen Advisory Group. We provided designs for roadways, pedestrian walkways and streetscapes. KPG also planned for economic development enhancements, which included public involvement, new ADA sidewalks, utility undergrounding, joint utility trench, WSDOT channelization plan and signal plan approvals and custom concrete crosswalks.
Placemaking elements included gateway features in center medians, banner poles, custom pavement, new illumination with integrated carved wood planks, customized benches, public art and the reconfiguration of the City Hall plaza space.
This project won the American Public Works Association (APWA-WA) Project of the Year Award, the Municipal Excellence Award for Economic Development from AWC, Washington State’s Main Street Program Outstanding Design Award, the PSRC Destination 2030 Award and the Appreciation Award from the City of Duvall.