Kennydale Lakeline
Wading into Lake Washington
In the mid-1980’s, a sanitary sewer line was constructed in the shallows of Lake Washington to service nearly 60 waterfront homes in the Kennydale neighborhood of Renton. Both the line and pump station were nearing the end of their life expectancies and the City had to consider either major repairs or full replacement. The City of Renton compiled a team of engineers, biologists, surveyors, and divers to work on this multi-phased project which included condition assessment, alternatives analysis, and implementation plans.

For the first phase of work, KPG provided bathymetric and uplands survey mapping to assist the team with a comprehensive condition assessment which will address the City’s short and long term issues concerning the system. Now, in the second phase we are providing additional uplands mapping. Our landscape architecture group is providing inventory of the residence landscaping and evaluating how to move forward. Ultimately, KPG will determine if it’s a better decision to leave the line in the lake or move it to an entirely new location.